Please Click The Play Button To Hear a Personal Message From The Author - | Maid of Honor Speechs |
What help do you need with your Maid of Honor speech?
Whatever help you need, I’ve designed my Maid of Honor package to ease you through the process of writing the perfect speech.
With my help, you can write and deliver your speech like a professional. And you can do it fast and have fun in the process, so you’ll be free to enjoy the preparations and the wedding day without any worries!
By Sally Samuels: Author of Maid of Honor Wedding Speeches,
and several other Wedding Speech Books
"My speech was great! I had all the guests in laughter and tears."
Hi Dan,
My speech was great! I had all the guests in laughter and tears. Unfortunately, I do not have a picture of me giving my speech. I have attached a picture of me and the bride. I was her maid of honor. If you need anything else let me know. But I cant thank you enough and tell you how
much the book helped. I gave me the jumpstart I needed it. I was having writer block for a while.
Thanks again.
Erica Gilefsky
Massachusetts, U.S.A
"Thank you for providing me with such worthwhile material that made my job so much more enjoyable and that much easier."
Click the play button to hear Lynda! | Testimonial |
My name is Lynda Eldridge. I was honored that my daughter asked me, the mother of the bride, to speak at her wedding. The picture I have attached to this email is of her stepfather and me. It was not taken at the wedding but a few months after during a European Cruise as a perfect end to a wonderful year of wedding planning.
Although excited as I was to welcome my new son in law into our family, I was somewhat apprehensive to speak to over two hundred guests at the reception. I didn't want to let my daughter down and make a fool of myself in front of so many people.
I knew what I wanted to say but I felt I neede some help in the wording.I would highly recommend the Wedding Speech 4U program as it comes with so many samples of speeches given by others that it is virtually impossible to not come across a speech that closely resembles what you want to say and the feelings you want to convey.
I think the biggest benefit I gained from the program that is offered by this website is the confidence that I had that evening. My thoughts were presented in a coherent and logical way that others commented later they enjoyed listening to. After practicing my speech a couple of times in front of a mirror, I was able to talk to the guests from my heart and relied on my notes only a couple of times.
When I purchased the Wedding Speech 4U program I knew I would also be getting an additional 10 speeches and ideas for wedding showers and/or bachelorette parties. The ideas were useful, current, humorous and very helpful and I passed these on to the people responsible for the planning of these additional festivities.
If purchasing a Wedding Speech 4U for an upcoming event that you have been asked to speak at, expect to receive abundant material that is both current and relevant. The speeches are presented in a highly professional manner and at no time did I feel I had wasted my money.
Thank you for providing me with such worthwhile material that made my job so much more enjoyable and that much easier.
Lynda Eldridge
Ontario, Canada
"I would recommend WeddingSpeech4U to my family & friends, because it gave me the confidence and ideas I needed to write a thoughtful and meaningful speech. "
Click the play button to hear Deborah! | Testimonial |
My name is Deborah Vinson, and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for helping me write a memorable speech for my daughter Amanda's wedding. I would recommend WeddingSpeech4U to my family & friends, because it gave me the confidence and ideas I needed to write a thoughtful and meaningful speech.
I found WeddingSpeech4U to be beneficial because not only can I use this for speeches, but it also has many other useful purposes. It contains quotes, poems, jokes etc. that I can incorporate into my scrapbooking and memory preservation.
The most useful aspect of WedingSpeech4U is how it helped me put the elements of a proper speech in order. WeddingSpeech4U eliminates the guesswork and worry that's involved in preparing a speech, and allows the confidence and sincerity to shine through.
Deborah Vinson
Ontario, Canada
Dear Maid of Honor,
Hi, my name is Sally Samuels. I’m the author of several hugely popular and successful wedding speech books, including Maid of Honor Wedding Speeches – Your Complete ‘How To’ Guide .
It’s a huge privilege to be asked to be the Maid of Honor. Your speech is your chance to pay tribute to your best friend and commemorate her big day.
That privilege can also feel like a big responsibility - putting all your thoughts and feelings into your speech can seem stressful!
You’ve come to the right place to solve those worries.
Here’s what makes my book the best guide to writing and giving your speech without any worries:
I’ve read all the speech books, I’ve talked to lots of other public speakers, surveyed former customers and all my research has convinced me the Maid of Honor Wedding Speeches – Your Complete ‘How To’ Guide is the single best source for an outstanding speech
My information is easy to follow and the guide is jam-packed with all the tips you need to write and present the right speech
When we surveyed my customers from around the world, an overwhelming 93% ‘Strongly agreed’ with the question ‘Did Sally’s information help you to write and deliver a better speech?’
Not only does my guide provide all the techniques you need for writing your own speech – there are also tons of inspiring samples, which you can cut and paste to match your needs perfectly!
You’ve seen wedding speakers embarrass themselves with a badly prepared speech. The lame jokes, the awkward presentation, the audience’s relief when it was over…
Worse still, you’ve seen them embarrass the bride and groom, and leave the audience feeling uncomfortable.
But with my guide, you’ll give the speech that everyone remembers for the right reasons! The one that will the get everyone listening, laughing and even teary eyed! Best of all, you’ll give the speech the bride deserves.
All it takes is preparation. My guide has all the information, techniques and ideas you need to make that preparation easy. Read on and you’ll discover just a few of the many secrets contained in Maid of Honor Wedding Speeches – Your Complete ‘How To’ Guide and that could be on your computer in minutes!
As the Maid of Honor it’s your job to support the bride.
Your role is to solve problems, avoid crises, provide emotional support and to stand by her side as she makes the most important vow of her life.
But who is there to guide and help you?
Maid of Honor Wedding Speeches – Your complete “How To’ Guide will hold your hand not only as you write the perfect speech, but as you fulfill all your Maid of Honor duties
Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you’ve got everything covered?
My guide will make sure you have all the information you need to fulfill your important role and to make the perfect speech to commemorate your friend or sister’s wedding.
If you take a moment to look around the room at the guests with a smile before you begin your speech you’ll instantly appear more confident
Visualizing a perfectly delivered speech followed by a huge round of applause will help lift your performance and set you at ease when you give the actual speech
Don’t try too hard to impress – your audience will be more engaged with a natural, conversational tone than big, fancy words!
These suggestions are just some of the techniques I’ll teach you for delivering a sensational speech. I’ll teach you how to use your voice and body language, and how to battle nerves.
So when the best man asks you how you learned to deliver such winning speeches, you can look him in the eye, wink, and say ‘I’m a natural!’
With every order placed before
midnight Saturday, February 15th, you’ll also receive the following BONUSES, absolutely FREE!
Bonus BookThis bonus book gives you tons of great ideas for throwing a bridal shower to remember
With these tips and ideas you can throw the ultimate bachelorette party! You’ll ensure that everyone has a great time with my innovative and wild ideas
With professional hypno-therapist Kent Sayre’s 30 minute audio program giving you sky-high confidence you won’t even have to think about nerves! And you’ll take your newfound confidence into every area of your life! Mr Sayre sells this program for $19.99 on his website, but you’ll receive it absolutely free with Maid of Honor Wedding Speeches – Your Complete ‘How To’ Guide.
I personally guarantee that my guide will take the stress out of your speech! I’m so convinced that these are the best Maid of Honor speeches you’ll find on the internet that I’ll offer you a full refund if they don’t measure up to your expectations.
If my guide doesn’t give you all the help you need, you can return it within 60 days for a full refund. There is absolutely NO RISK on your part.
AND I’m a verified merchant of the Fair Trade Authority, so you can order from me in full confidence and at no risk.
The Fair Trade Authority certifies that, as a member, my identity has been verified, that I agree to the FTA Merchants Code of Ethics and that you can buy with confidence, from me, as you are insured for up to $300.
You can have the entire Maid of Honor Wedding Speeches – Your Complete ‘How To’ Guide and all of the bonuses on your computer in 3 minutes, so you can start learning straight away—you'll gain instant access to all of the sample speeches, toasts, jokes, quotes, one-liners, public speaking methods and more!
I can give you Maid of Honor Wedding Speeches – Your Complete ‘How To’ Guide at a fantastic special price... it's yours RISK-FREE for just $19.95 (down from $49.95!)
Downloading is simple and safe, even if you have never done it before:
1) Click on the ‘Click Here to Order Now!’ button below
3) Enter your details and get directed to the Clickbank order form (Clickbank is our authorized retailer). You can pay by credit card or PayPal (also on-line check if you are a U.S. resident)
4) Get redirected to the download page... Easy as that!
The Bride deserves the best on her wedding day. And so do you! With my guide you can be the best speaker at the wedding. You’ll deliver a meaningful, funny, fantastic speech that all the guests will remember for many anniversaries!
I look forward to getting an email from you, telling me about how well your speech went and how your confidence made the other speakers envious! Although I get a lot of mail, I’d love to hear your success story!
If you have any questions about any aspect of my guide, you can contact me! I’m happy to help in any way I can.
Yours sincerely,
Sally Samuels
This bonus book gives you tons of great ideas for throwing a bridal shower to remember!
With these tips and ideas you can throw the ultimate bachelorette party! You’ll ensure that everyone has a great time with my innovative and wild ideas!
With professional hypno-therapist Kent Sayre’s 30 minute audio program giving you sky-high confidence you won’t even have to think about nerves! And you’ll take your newfound confidence into every area of your life! Mr Sayre sells this program for $19.99 on his website, but you’ll receive it absolutely free with Maid of Honor Wedding Speeches – Your Complete ‘How To’ Guide.